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Thoughts About Reiki                             Written by Caryn Bellew   LMT/RMT

As a Reiki Master/Teacher I hear a lot of strange beliefs and misconceptions about Reiki. I would like to explain what this incredible phenomenon is. However I have been unable to put it in a logical, comfortable, space. It cannot be boxed in or organized. So here are my beliefs and experience with Reiki.

Reiki was discovered in Japan during the early 1800's. There are variations of how it was discovered. I was taught, and continue to tell the story of Dr. Mikao Usui searching for how Jesus was able to heal people. I am not suggesting that this is how Jesus healed people. It is just part of the story. The story goes into the steps that he took to find it; who he met to help develop the practice, and the woman who would eventually bring it to America. Reiki is energy. We are all made of energy. E=MC². Reiki is an energy that is around us like WiFi. A person who practices, or does Reiki has their antenna tuned in more directly into the Reiki frequency, like we dial or tune in a radio station. The energy goes through the practitioner, and out to you. To describe what Reiki is, I feel you need to understand the following. You know when you are driving to work & somebody cuts you off? You thought that you paid that bill, but here it is unpaid! The problem, the money has been spent. The daily stress of life that leaves you feeling tight, sore, and tense, creates energy. This energy attaches to us. Like when you hold 2 magnets together there is a pull. That is what goes on with stress, and our physical body. It gets pulled to us.

Additionally, we only have so much energy in us. The energy is used to keep us moving, keep our organs going, allowing us to work physically and mentally, while holding on to stress. Yes, we do hold onto stress if we do not know how to let it go. Our energy supply is feeding the stress on the body. Almost like a plant wasting water and nourishment on a dying leaf. 

So what does Reiki do?

Reiki goes into the body and helps to break up the stress that has tried to settle in. The stress can be recent, or old stress. When I work I see what I call black goopy stuff. I know it sounds strange. It is all very strange to me as well. Anyway, that's what I see in people. It is the stress that becomes a thick sludgy oil that bogs the person down. Muscles ache, joints are restricted, and energy is depleted. By using Reiki, the black goopy stuff is removed. The body's energy can focus on the body and not feeding the dying leaf. This is how Reiki heals! It helps your body utilize its energy in a more beneficial way.

Reiki can be used for self-discovery and personal growth. A lot of people, including myself, use Reiki to help relieve and understand stress created from childhood that affect our lives now. Reiki can help bring light to the behaviors or beliefs that we were taught that no longer benefit us. I have seen many "a ha" moments take place during a Reiki session. I have had a few myself.  

What does Reiki assist with?

Reiki is currently being used in over 100 hospitals in the United States. Dr. Oz treats his patients with Reiki before and after surgeryHis wife is a Reiki Master. A spokesperson from Columbia Integrative Medicine Program at the New York Presbyterian Hospital (CIMP) perhaps expresses it best, saying,

"I find the practice of Reiki very rewarding, as a practitioner. Patients have reported deep relaxation and a sense of profound healing, after one session. I feel that Reiki is a huge asset for any hospital setting, because patients sense that they are in a truly caring environment."

Reiki assist with the following:


Anxiety & Depression




Reduce blood pressure

Can help with acute injuries and chronic problems

(asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.)

Relieves pain

Removes energy blockages, & adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system

Assist the body in cleaning itself from toxins

Reduces side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy

Supports the immune system

Increases vitality and postpones the aging process

Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing

Counter the effects of other treatment (ex.) Chemotherapy

It helps so many ailments, because you feel better! It allows the body to concentrate more of it"s energy to helping the body by removing the dying plants leaves.

What to expect from a Reiki Session?

Reiki is a hands off or on treatment. I prefer hands on as I think the warmth from the practitioner's hands is comforting. Yes, I did say warmth. We will get into that soon. As a client, wear comfortable clothing. You will be asked to lay on a comfy table, usually in a dim room with pretty music playing. Very relaxing. Your Reiki practitioner should explain what the experience might be like. I have had clients report memories of the past, images in their mind, deep comfort, and pure relaxation. The practitioner will place their hands on your head, or leg, or arm, wherever the energy feels blocked. The practitioner's hands will feel warm. The session will last approximately 45 minutes. You will feel very relaxed. You may need a moment to sit and be still. The effects of a Reiki treatment can last days, months, and years, depending on what the experience was. If you have an "a ha" moment, the results can change your life. I recommend a session every 4-6 weeks, and more if you have increased stress levels.

Try it out. You will be happy that you did! 

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